Chronic kidney disease, is a problem that decreases kidney function gradually. A lot of the time, CKD is a product of different health problems, like, diabetes, uncontrolled high blood pressure, or congestive heart failure. If you are suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease you may also develop increased blood pressure, anemia, and even nerve damage. Depending on your body, and the severity, you may not notice these problems for a while or you may see them right away. If you aren’t already diagnosed, but are seeing these you should go to the doctor in case it might be early signs.
Some symptoms that come from Chronic Kidney Disease are:
[endif]Trouble eating and sleeping
[if !supportLists][endif]Swollen feet and ankles
[if !supportLists][endif]Itchy or dry skin
[if !supportLists][endif]Frequent urination
[if !supportLists] [endif]Muscle cramps
Premature discovery and concern, however, can help hold back the development of kidney disease and can help stay away from kidney failure. If you don’t get early treatment you run the risk of the disease progressing, resulting in kidney failure, which means dialysis or a transplant, would be your only ways to support your life. Although early detection of kidney disease doesn’t guarantee that it can be slowed down or stopped, but the chances are a lot greater.
If you get tested and you do have CKD your doctor may look at your Glomerular Filtration Rate to see how much kidney function you have, conduct an ultrasound, or execute a kidney biopsy to see how much damage kidney disease has caused.
Content Copyright © 1996 - 2017 Altruist Home Health Care, Inc.
At Altruist Home Health Care, we wish for our clients to be well-informed before partnering or partaking in any of our firm’s services. We hope your experience will be better once you know who we are, have more realistic ideals and goals about working with us, as well as understand what we are focused on doing for you and our community. If there are any other questions or concerns you may be having, please contact us at (214)328-8600
6301 Gaston Avenue, Suite 610
Dallas, TX 75214
Phone: (214) 328-8600
5402 Wesley Street, Suite D
Greenville, TX 75402
Phone: (903) 259-6345