Nobody wants to make preparations for the dying of their friends or family-members. It is very agonizing to contemplate the demise of our loved one’s, but it is of the utmost importance that you make the preparations earlier rather than later. Truly, it’s ideal to do it as soon as you initially learn of your loved incurable diagnosis. Once you’ve handled all the plans, it’ll be easier to relax and make the best use of the time you have left.
Another reason is that you will save yourself innumerable stressful situations when your loved one does go... When you are grief-stricken and not operating at your best, you will not need to hurry around creating a multitude of preparations, getting-together necessary documents, making significant decisions and performing a ton of other tasks, most of which need to be done rapidly.
More notably, you will reclaim time you can use to visit with your best of friends and closest of family during the time of death. These people will be serious suppliers of emotional support so use it while it’s there, but if you have not made these needed arrangements, you will be so scattered you will not have enough time to devote to them.
Even though you cannot organize everything in advance, there are numerous ones you can... You should include your loved one or friend in the arrangements, but if you do not or cannot then you ought get a friend or family member to help you; and make it a little less intimidating.
Medical & Legal Issues: With any luck your loved one already has a living will, power of attorney and durable power of attorney for healthcare. If they don’t, you need to encourage them to prepare these documents ASAP. This will ensure their wishes concerning their end-of-life matters will be followed. The forms should provide directions as to whether they want heroic measures taken to preserve their life, or whether they want a Do Not Resuscitate order, etc.
Call List: The initial thing you have to do when the person dies is communicate it to family members and friends, which is usually a draining experience. It is a good idea to organize a list with phone numbers of people who will need to be informed. You don’t have to call all of the people yourself either, you can also designate on the list which friends and family members you would like to make each call on your behalf, reducing your burden by calling only the few who are closest to you.
Obituary: Tributes must be sent to newspapers quickly. You can compose it or have somebody else make it. Begin by gathering all the desirable information including important dates and other info about the person’s life, such as any times they may have been in the military, when they worked at a particular company, the year they got married or had children, the spelling of any names you might not know and any other details you’d like to include.
Eulogy: It takes time to prepare a thoughtful, well-written eulogy. The first step is to determine whom you’d like to deliver it and then ask them if they will do it. Have the person write as much as possible in advance. They will probably need you to supply some details about your loved one’s life. If you want to deliver the eulogy yourself, go ahead and prepare it, getting any help you may need from a friend or family member who is a gifted writer. This document, too, can always be revised later if need be.
Funeral: Go to a funeral home and make (and pay for) all the needed arrangements so when the time comes all you have to do is place one call to them. Also, if you want to make any remarks at the funeral, prepare them now. Give some thought to other people you may want to speak and ask them in advance. This is also a good time to select the music you want played and investigate potential performer(s) if you want live music. Other tasks include designating pall bearers, selecting any prayers you want read, making up the official program, selecting the person you want to officiate and choosing a religious speaker if you want one.
Reception after the Funeral: If you plan to have some sort of reception or meal after the funeral, figure out where you want to have it. If it will be in someone’s home, pick out a caterer unless you will ask your guests to each bring a dish.
Memorial Service (If you plan to have one): Think about where you’d like for it to be held. Prepare a framed photograph if you plan to display one at the service.
Burial Location: If you’re planning to have a traditional burial and your loved one doesn’t have a plot, select a cemetery and purchase one. You can also look into headstones at this time.
Disposition of Cremains: If the person will be cremated, determine where you want the cremains to be placed. And when you’re making those arrangements, which it’s best to pay for in advance, select an urn. This can be an especially gruesome task that’s best dealt with before the time of need.
Making final arrangements for a disabled terminally-ill loved one who is still living can be very stressful and may feel macabre, but it will not be as agonizing as having to do it at the time of their death.
At Altruist Home Health Care, we wish for our clients to be well-informed before partnering or partaking in any of our firm’s services. We hope your experience will be better once you know who we are, have more realistic ideals and goals about working with us, as well as understand what we are focused on doing for you and our community. If there are any other questions or concerns you may be having, please contact us at (214)328-8600
6301 Gaston Avenue, Suite 610
Dallas, TX 75214
Phone: (214) 328-8600
5402 Wesley Street, Suite D
Greenville, TX 75402
Phone: (903) 259-6345